Friday, July 11, 2008

We Book

Thanks, Art, for the great (and eloquent) comment you left on yesterday's post. My own experience is similar to yours, oddly enough. For anyone who read that post yesterday who isn't in a group now--who may be taking a workshop at the WC--I'd encourage you to consider finding one. They're a great, great complement to the workshops we offer.

I have to include a bit of sad news, I'm afraid. (I HATE waking up to this kind of news.) Jakob Ejersbo, a terrific Danish writer (author of Nordkraft and SuperEgo), died last night of cancer. Age: 40. A terrible loss. Nordkraft is an amazing book (SuperEgo less so, but it was also a first book). But he did, apparently, leave behind at least one manuscript that, according to the publisher, is pretty much ready for printing. So I'll look forward to that whenever it comes out.

But, we move on...

Here's an interesting experiment in writing/publishing. It's called We Book. I found it through my Google Reader: There seems to be a lot of movement on this. It's a kind of online forum where writers can go to share/post their work and meet others electronically.

I might have to play around with it (if I find the time this weekend). Today marks the end of our first week with our new director, Charlie Jensen, and I have to say: Great week! Clearly, I think, the WC has chosen the right person to lead the organization forward. We're all pleased. For the moment, I'm gonna close this post with a reminder that this Sunday, July 13th, we're hosting a welcome reception for Charlie here at the Center. From noon to 2p.m. Maybe I'll see you there.

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