Thursday, September 4, 2008

Writer's Center Open House Saturday, Noon to 3p.m. (And Odds & Ends)

Busy week this week preparing for the Open House, which is...ahem...Sept. 6th from noon to 3p.m. You can register here: And don't forget the kids! We'll have an activities room set up where they can do fun things with three of our great children's instructors: Sally Canzoneri, Ellen Cole, and Adele Steiner. Here's a sampling of what we have in store for you:

-Every attendee gets a coupon for $50 off any multi-session workshop
-One on one conferences with our participating instructors.
-A raffle with a grand prize of one FREE multi-session workshop
-A silent auction, where participants can bid on one of the following:

Dinner for 2 at one of three fabulous restaurants on Wisconsin Ave.
A book basket
A one-hour consultation with a Writer's Center instructor

Caption contest DEADLINE!

Remember, the winner of our caption contest, here, gets one book from our selection of "new" titles. Contest closes at 5p.m. Friday. Good luck!

I discovered--thanks to Serena, one of our commentors--that Sept. 15th-19th is Book Blogger Appreciation Week. You can vote for which book blogs are best in many different categories. This is a fantastic idea. Check it out here:

or perhaps here:

or here:

These are all great blogs. See you Saturday!


  1. Kyle: Thanks for posting information about BBAW. It's a fantastic way to show book bloggers that their reviews and other efforts are appreciated. BBAW nominations closed on Aug. 31, but during the week of Sept. 15-19, there will be fun interviews of book bloggers and other activities and contests. I recommend that people stop by Amy's blog and others on the list. It will be a fun week.

  2. I also posted on my blog about the open house. I hope that helps because we know Hanna isn't!
