Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Winter Workshops and More

Regular readers of this blog will notice some changes in layout. With winter workshops and events just around the corner, it felt like the right time to give this blog a new look and feel.

Over the course of the next several months we plan on adding regular features to the blog, and those will be rolled out beginning today. What I'd like to do is request all Writer's Center instructors interested in posting on this blog to e-mail me at Basically, you can use this blog to discuss your workshops, your writing, etc.--I'm open to the possibilities!

I'd like to dedicate Wednesdays to WC instructors. There are more than 100 of you, so that could potentially mean 100 weeks of postings. It's something I've long meant to do. I welcome the idea of making this a dynamic, multi-voiced blog.

For non-instructors reading this blog, the winter workshops will be posted online tomorrow. This should be done by mid-afternoon or so. Check out what we have to offer and contact us if you have any questions. The print version of our brochure-- which is now merged with the Writer's Carousel-- is on schedule and should be in your hands early in November.

Until next time,



  1. I like the new look. Very nice. I think adding posts from the instructors on Wed. would be fantastic.

  2. Thanks for the link by the way.
