Come Hear Poets OPEN MICS and readings
Artomatic Solo Stage, 3rd floor
55 M St SE; www.artomatic.org
Wednesday, June 17, 7-8:30 pm: Richard Peabody (Gargoyle, Last of the Red Hot Magnetos); Maria Padhila (Capitol Cougar); Dallas Corsair (Z-Spot); open mic
Friday, June 19, 9-10:30 pm: Rose Solari (Orpheus in the Park); Charles Jensen (Living Things); plus performance poets isee; Brewster von Thyme Thackeray and Caryn Sykes, with music. Followed by open mic.
Friday, June 26, 9-10:30 pm: Pamela Murray Winters (Once Daily As Directed); Reuben Jackson (fingering the keys); David Beaudouin (THE PEARL, Human Nature); Reb Livingston (No Tell Motel, Your Ten Favorite Words). Followed by open mic.
Open mic signup starts 30 minutes before reading. Homemade cookies. Free, free, always free.
The Peanut-Butter Cup Concept: comehearpoets.blogspot.com
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