Friday, October 9, 2009

Fifth Annual Sotto Voce Poetry Festival

A member pointed out a poetry festival happening next weekend in Shepherdstown, WV. If you're so inclined or able to head out to West Virgina, only about 2 or so hours from DC, it sounds like a good time. Here's the info:

Please join us for the fifth annual Sotto Voce Poetry Festival. This year's festival will feature readings and book signings by four nationally recognized poets: Rick Campbell, Alice Friman, Stanley Plumly and Peggy Shumaker. Also participating will be noted English professor, critic, and editor Peter Stitt, who will join in a panel discussion with Campbell.

All of the featured poets will lead small-group workshops that include a range of offerings for poets of all skill levels. Campbell and Stitt will also be available for one-on-one consultations with individual poets. Readings and signings are free. Fee for workshops is $50.

Featured Poets:
Rick Campbell, Alice Friman, Stanley Plumly, Peggy Shumaker

October 16, 2009 to October 18, 2009
Various venues, at various locations, Shepherdstown, WV

Full details of the Festival's schedule are posted on the Festival's website at Those who wish to enroll in the workshops and consultations are urged to do so early because those sessions will be strictly limited. People can enroll online through the website or by calling 888-812-1885.

The Sotto Voce festival was launched in 2005 to promote public appreciation and awareness of poets and poetry and to create a new audience for poetry in the mid-Atlantic region. Sotto Voce means "in a low voice, softly, in an undertone" in Italian. The festival was founded by and continues to be directed by Shepherdstown poet, novelist and playwright Hope Maxwell-Snyder.

Sponsored by Hope Maxwell-Snyder, Shepherdstown, WV

(888) 812-1885

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