Call for Poetry Manuscripts

Poets living within 60 driving miles of the Capitol (Baltimore area included) are invited to submit TWO copies of a POETRY manuscript (50-60 pages, single or 1-1/2 spaced), a reading fee of $20.00, and a stamped, self-addressed reply envelope. Manuscripts will not be returned; rather, they will be recycled.
Guidelines: Author's name should not appear on the manuscript. The title page of each copy should contain the title only. Provide name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and title on a separate cover sheet accompanying the submission. A separate page for acknowledgments may be included for poems previously published in journals and anthologies. Mail to:
Brandel France de Bravo
Washington Writers’ Publishing House
3541 S Street NW
Washington DC 20007
The winner will receive $500 and 50 copies of the book.
Staffed by previous winners who volunteer their time and skills, WWPH is a non-profit cooperative poetry press reflecting the cultural and racial diversity of the Greater Washington-Baltimore area. Judging is traditionally performed by former WWPH winners who read the anonymous manuscripts, and in case of a tie, turn the finalists over to a judge outside the area.
IMPORTANT: The winning poet becomes a member of the organization and should be prepared to participate actively in the work of the press, in such areas as selecting the next year’s winners, in publicity, distribution, production, fundraising. Our tradition of poets working on behalf of other poets is essential to the continued vitality and success of WWPH. Contest entrants should be willing to make this commitment should their work be selected for publication.
Call for Fiction Manuscripts

Fiction writers living within 60 driving miles of the Capitol (Baltimore area included) are invited to submit TWO copies of a FICTION manuscript, either a novel or a collection of short stories (no more than 350 pages, double or 1-1/2 spaced), a reading fee of $25.00, and a stamped, self-addressed reply envelope. Manuscripts will only be returned with appropriate return packaging and postage. Literary fiction only, please.
Author's name should not appear on the manuscript. The title page and running head of each copy should contain the title only. Provide name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, and title on a separate cover sheet accompanying the submission. A separate page for acknowledgments may be included for individual stories or excerpts previously published in journals and anthologies. PLEASE DO NOT PACK IN STYROFOAM PEANUTS!
Mail to:
Elisavietta Ritchie, Fiction
Washington Writers’ Publishing House
P.O. Box 298
Broomes Island, MD 20615
The winner will receive $500 and 50 copies of the book.
Staffed by previous winners who volunteer their time and skills, WWPH is a non-profit cooperative literary press reflecting the cultural and racial diversity of the Greater Washington-Baltimore area. Judging is traditionally performed by former WWPH winners who read the anonymous manuscripts, and in case of a tie, the finalists are turned over to a judge outside the area.
IMPORTANT: The winner becomes a member of WWPH and should be prepared to participate actively in the work of the press, including such areas as publicity, distribution, production, and fundraising. Our tradition of writers working on behalf of other writers is essential to the continued vitality and success of WWPH. Contest entrants should be willing to make this commitment should their work be selected for publication.
Also, WWPH will be hosting its first ever Writers' Ball on October 17. For more information, click here.
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