Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Member Appreciation Month: Kristin Battista-Frazee

Believing It’s Possible
Kristin Battista-Frazee

I know “believing it’s possible” sounds a bit corny, but that’s really how I feel about my experience at The Writer’s Center. I wanted to be a better writer and The Writer’s Center helped make that possible. It started with a business writing class with Rick Walter. Rick was a fabulous teacher who gave me the tools to improve my writing, but most importantly, he believed in my writing potential.

I always wanted to write a book but thought it was ridiculous to think I could get published. I remember on a break from class wandering into the bookstore and, on an impulse, buying the Guide to Literary Agents book. I thought, “Maybe one day I might use it.” Rick helped me gain the confidence to begin writing my family memoir about my father’s involvement distributing the pornographic movie Deep Throat.

After the class was over, Rick and I would meet once a month to critique my writing pieces. I brought him a draft of the first 17 pages of my book. When he said, “I think this may be sellable with some work,” I was shocked.

Upon his recommendation I took Barbara Esstman’s Advance Novel and Memoir workshop. She taught me to love the art of writing and the importance of honing my craft. She said, “Don’t’ worry about selling the book, just make sure you write a good book and the rest will follow” and also, “Just because something is published doesn’t it make good.” So true!

In Barbara’s class I met David, who has become a good friend and writing partner. He brought me into a wonderful writing group with other talented writers (Janet, Donna, Molly, and Kelly) that have become great friends. Together we have built an environment that supports a strong creative process and continues to make me believe it is possible my book will get published.

In our lives we only encounter a handful of people who turn out to be our true champions. I am grateful to The Writer’s Center for helping me meet Rick, Barbara, and the members of my writing group. Thanks!

Today I am represented by the Ralph Vicinanza, Ltd literary agency and my agent Matthew is doing a great job guiding me through the process of obtaining a publisher for my family memoir Daughter of Pornography.
If you want to follow our writing group as we work to perfect and publish our books, visit our blog at And check out my blog Daughter of Pornography at

1 comment:

  1. Kristin: Congrats on getting on agent! We met at last years AIW conference. I thought your story was fascinating. Anyway, good luck finding a publisher. I'm looking forward to the book! Cheers, Heather
