Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Leesburg First Friday--in March--with C.M. Mayo

More craziness during snow week. Here's some news for next month. (By then the snow should be gone, right?)

March 5, 2010 Leesburg VA

"Staying Focused: Researching and Writing the Longer Book Project"

C.M. Mayo to talk about what she learned in writing her novel, The Last Prince of the Mexican Empire and her travel memoir, Miraculous Air, with plenty of Q & A.

To finish the marathon of writing a long book, more than talent, more than free time, more than anything, in fact, a writer needs mental toughness to avoid the myriad distractions, damaging self-talk, frustrations, and sometimes just plain old boredom along the way. C.M. Mayo, a long-time Writers Center workshop leader and author of several books, including a deeply researched travel memoir and, most recently, an epic historical novel based on the true story (and many years of original archival research), offers tips, tricks and more to inspire you to start, stay with, and finish your book. Register for this event here.

Her next workshop at The Writer's Center is Dialogue Intensive Techniques beginning March 7.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the mention, Kyle. A couple of notes:

    --> In the Leesburg First Friday event March 5th I'll be talking about a lot of the things from my (long ago) "Break the Block" workshop, including the literature on sports psychology.

    P.S. Many resources here:

    ---> The Dialogue Intensive on March 7th is a one day only workshop for both advanced and beginning fiction writers. We'll start at 10 am and finish up at 5 pm, with an hour break in there (around 12-ish) for lunch. Bring your own or grab a kabob around the corner. Questions? Feel free to contact me directly via my website, www.cmmayo.com
