Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The TWC Facebook Summer Reading Club: Michael Kimball's Us

So the results are in! We have a winner! With a resounding 58% of the vote, Michael Kimball's Us is the first selection for The Writer's Center's inaugural summer reading club. The complete results:

Michael Kimball: Us 24 (58%)

Bonnie Jo Campbell: American Salvage 3 (7%)

Danielle Evans: Before You Suffocate Your Own Fool Self 8 (19%)

Dinaw Mingestu: The Beautiful Things that Heaven Bears 6 (14%)

Here's how the summer reading group works (and it's pretty simple):

1) you buy the book
2) you read it
3) Beginning next Monday, TWC will post one question per week (for 3 straight weeks) on our Facebook page. You'll need to "like" us.
4)But you are welcome to post your own questions at any time to generate conversation. You are STRONGLY encouraged to do so, in fact.

That's it. It's not terribly complicated. But it is an experiment, and I don't know how it'll turn out. We'd love to see how many people we can get talking about this book. I bought it this past weekend, and I'm looking forward to getting started tonight.

At some point during the next three weeks I'd like to post something about the book here on FPP, but I'm not sure just what that will be.

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